生命科学学院刘建祥研究员课题组拟招聘博士后研究人员。本实验室主要以拟南芥和水稻为研究材料,采用遗传学、生物化学、分子生物学和细胞生物学等多种现代生物学手段,研究植物逆境分子生物学与信号转导,特别是逆境引起的植物细胞内质网胁迫应答(ER stress response)信号通路以及植物对环境胁迫应答的表观遗传调控。
1,具有生物学相关专业博士学位, 发表过较高水平SCI论文。
1, 提供自由宽松的研究环境,有充分自由发挥的空间。
2, 工资及福利待遇按复旦大学博士后有关规定执行,并根据研究进展和贡献给予补贴。
有兴趣者,请将申请材料(简历、主要研究经历、代表性论文和推荐人的姓名及联系方式)发至: jianxiangliu@fudan.edu.cn
1. Lu et al. (2011) Conservation of IRE1-regulated bZIP74 mRNA unconventional splicing in rice (Oryza sativa L.) involved in ER Stress responses. Mol. Plant (accepted).
2. Deng et al. (2011) Heat induces the splicing by IRE1 of a mRNA encoding a transcription factor involved in the unfolded protein response in Arabidopsis. P.N.A.S. 108(17):7247-52.
3. Liu and Howell (2010a) Endoplasmic reticulum protein quality control and its relationship to environmental stress responses in plants. Plant Cell. 22(9): 2930–2942.
4. Liu and Howell (2010b) The bZIP28 transcription factor and NF-Y nuclear factors are activated by ER stress and assemble into a transcriptional complex to regulate stress response genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 22(3): 782-796.
5. Liu et al. (2007a) An ER stress response in Arabidopsis is mediated by proteolytic processing and nuclear relocation of a membrane-associated transcription factor AtbZIP28. Plant Cell. 19: 4111-4119.
6. Liu et al. (2007b) Salt stress responses in Arabidopsis utilize a signal transduction pathway related to ER stress signaling. Plant J. 51(5): 897-909.