




















女,教授/博士生导师,生化系教工党支部书记。2009年获得中国农业大学植物学博士学位;2009-今,复旦大学生命科学学院讲师、副教授、教授/博导。2006-2007年美国加州大学河滨分校植物系访问学者;2013年澳洲昆士兰科技大学教育系访问学者。课题组主要关注植物雄性育性的调控机制和环境适应性机制,研究成果发表于Nature CommunicationsPlant Cell, Molecular Plant, Plant Physiology, Current Opinion of Plant Biology等国际植物学前沿期刊。国家及上海市高校教师双带头人党支部书记,上海市优秀党务工作者。












1.        Yu, Y#, Song, W#, Zhai, N#, Zhang S, Wang J, Wang S, Liu W, Huang CH, Ma H, Chai J, Chang F*(2023) PXL1 and SERKs act as receptor–coreceptor complexes for the CLE19 peptide to regulate pollen development. Nat. Commun. 14, 3307.

2.        Lai Z, Wang J, Fu Y, Wang M, Ma H, Peng S-Q, Chang F*. (2023) Unveiling the Role of CCoAOMT1: Fine-Tuning bHLH transcription Factors for Optimal Anther Development. Sci. China Life Sci. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-023-2461-0.

3.        Chang F*, Wang S, Lai Z, Zhang Z, Jin Y, Ma H*. Cell Biological Analyses of Anther Morphogenesis and Pollen Viability in Arabidopsis and Rice. Methods Mol. Biol. 2023; 2686:199-218.

4.        Yang Q, Wang J, Zhang S, Zhan Y, Shen J, Chang F*. ARF3-Mediated Regulation of SPL in Early Anther Morphogenesis: Maintaining Precise Spatial Distribution and Expression Level. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jul 21;24(14):11740.

5.        Lai Z., Wang J., Peng S., Chang F.* (2022) bHLH010/089 Transcription Factors Control Pollen Wall Development via Specific Transcriptional and Metabolic Networks in Arabidopsis thaliana. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 11683.

6.        Fu Y., Li M, Zhang S, Yang Q, Zhu E, You C, Qi J, Ma H*Chang F* (2020) Analyses of functional conservation and divergence reveals requirement of bHLH010/089/091 for pollen development at elevated temperature in Arabidopsis. JGG47:477-492.Cover paper

7.        Lu J#, Fu Y#, Li M, Wang S, Wang J, Yang J, Ye J, Zhang X, Ma H*Chang F* (2020) Global Quantitative Proteomics Studies Revealed Tissue-Preferential Expression and Phosphorylation of Regulatory Proteins in Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 6116.

8.        Wang S., Lu J., Song X-F., Ren S-C., You C., Xu J., Liu C-M., Ma H., Chang F.*(2017) Cytological and Transcriptomic Evidence Reveal Important Roles of CLE19 in Pollen Exine Formation. Plant Physiol. 175:1186-1202.

9.        Chang F., Cui J., Wang L., Ma H.* (2017) The BIF Domain is Structurally and Functionally Distinct from Other Types of ACT-like Domains. Plant Cell, 29:1803-1805.

10.    Zhang S-S., Yang H., Ding L., Song Z-T., Ma H., Chang F. *, Liu J-X. * (2017) Tissue-Specific Transcriptomics Reveals an Important Role of the Unfolded Protein Response in Maintaining Fertility upon Heat Stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 29:1007-1023.

11.    Cui J., You C., Zhu E., Huang Q., Ma H. *, Chang F*. (2016) Feedback Regulation of DYT1 by Interactions with Downstream bHLH Factors Promotes DYT1 Nuclear Localization and Anther Development. Plant Cell, 28:1078-1093. highlighted paper

12.    Zhu E. #, You C. #, Wang S., Cui J., Niu B., Wang Y., Qi J., Ma H. *, Chang F.* (2015) The DYT1-interacting proteins bHLH010, bHLH089, and bHLH091 are redundantly required for Arabidopsis anther development and transcriptome. Plant J. 83:976-990.

13.    Yang H.#, Chang F.#,*, You C., Cui J., Zhu G., L., Zheng Y., Qi J. *, Ma H.* (2015) Whole genome DNA methylation patterns and complex associations with gene structure and expression during flower development in Arabidopsis.Plant J. 81: 268-281.

14.    Chang F., Zhang Z., Jin Y., Ma, H*. Cell biological analyses of anther morphogenesis and pollen viability in Arabidopsis and rice. Methods Mol. Biol. 2014,1110:203-16.

15.    Chang F.#, Gu Y.#, Ma H., Yang Z*. AtPRK2 promotes ROP1 activation via phosphorylation of RopGEFs to control polarized pollen tube growth. Mol. Plant 2013,6:1187-1201.

16.    Chang F. #, Wang Y. #, Wang S., Ma H*. Molecular control of microsporogenesis in Arabidopsis. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.2011,14:66-73.