邮箱:xuyh@fudan.edu.cn, xuyanhui@gmail.com
博士,研究员,博士生导师,“浦江人才计划”,国家“重大科学研究计划”项目课题负责人。1999年清华大学生物科学与技术系获学士学位, 2004年清华大学生物科学与技术系获博士学位,2004-2007在普林斯顿大学分子生物学系做博士后。2008年在复旦大学生物医学研究院组建结构生物学实验室,先后任职副研究员,研究员。
主要研究方向 (Research Interests)
获奖情况 (Awards)
1. Yang Y., Hu L., Wang P., Hou H., Lin Y., Liu Y., Li Z., Gong R., Feng X., Zhou L., Zhang W., Dong Y., Yang H., Lin H., Wang Y., Chen C.D. * and Xu Y.* (2010). Structural insights into a dual-specificity histone demethylase ceKDM7A from Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell research, Aug. 20(8):886-98.
2. Lin H., Wang Y., Wang Y., Tian F., Pu P., Yu Y., Mao H., Yang Y., Wang P., Hu L., Lin Y., Liu Y., Xu Y.* and Chen C.D.* (2010). Coordinated regulation of active and repressive histone methylations by a dual-specificity histone demethylase ceKDM7A from Caenorhabditis elegans. Cell research, Aug. 20(8):899-907.
3. Yang H., Wang Z., Shen Y., Wang P., Jia X., Zhao L., Zhou P., Gong R., Li Z., Yang Y., Chen D.*, Murchie A.* and Xu Y.* (2010). Crystal Structure of the Nosiheptide Resistance Methyltransferase of Streptomyces actuosus. Biochemistry, Aug. 3, 49(30):6440-50.
4. Li Z., Zhao B., Wang P., Chen F., Dong Z., Yang H., Guan K.L.* and Xu Y.*(2010). Structural insights into the YAP and TEAD complex. Genes & Development, Feb. 1, 24(3):235-40.
5. Xu Y. #, Xing Y. #, Chen Y. #, Chao Y. #, Lin Z., Fan E., Yu J.W., Strack S., Jeffrey P.D. and Shi Y. (2006). Structure of the protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme. Cell, 127:1239-1251. ( #equally contributed to the work)
6. Xing Y. #, Xu Y. #, Chen Y. #, Jeffrey P.D., Chao Y., Lin Z., Li Z., Strack S., Stock J.B. and Shi Y.(2006). Structure of protein phosphatase 2A core enzyme bound to tumor-inducing toxins. Cell, 127:341-353.(# equally contributed to the work)
7. Xu Y. #, Chen Y. #, Zhang P., Jeffrey P.D. and Shi Y. (2008). Structure of a protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme: insights into B55-mediated Tau dephosphorylation. Molecular Cell, 31:873-885. (cover) (#equally contributed to the work)